About the Business
The list below shows our current hourly rates. We only ask for payment once the work is successfully completed (NO FIX NO FEE price promise) and provide a free quote. For most jobs we are able to offer fixed prices, which means there are no hidden costs or surprises, easily allowing you to budget for the repairs. Call now on 01206 580132 or mobile 07716 881854 any-time, you can also use our contact form to obtain a quote or to book an appointment. Service Rate Maximum Charge (the majority of jobs are usually completed within one or two hours).
All repairs subject to the cost of any necessary parts or software. Prices are charged per repair, per computer. A minimum charge of 1 hour applies to all on-site/collect and return repairs undertaken. After the first hour, services are charged in half hourly increments. A minimum charge of half an hour applies to all remote support undertaken.
Location & Hours

13a Headgate